Monday, March 12, 2012

Tip of the Day: Stock Slowly and Meaningfully

A few years ago, I decided I wanted to get into crafting. I literally had nothing to work with, so I went CRAZY, buying all sorts of random things. To this day, I still have a stock pile of felt, feathers, and pompoms...ew. Thankfully, I'm a preschool teacher.

It takes time to find your "niche" so start small. I remember wanting to get into painting, and with the fear of wasting my time and money, I literally bought the crappiest, cheapest palette of watercolors and watercolor paper. I gave painting a try, and I realized it was something I enjoyed. So little by little, and over time, I began buying nicer paints and actual canvas.

Same with crafting materials (stamps, stickers, papers, beads, buttons, etc.) When I take a trip to Michaels, usually I have an item in mind. But they always have deals and steals and I'll snag a few random things. The other day, I bought a bunch of stamps (teacher necessity!) that were a dollar each (and usually ONE stamp is at least $5).
Can't wait to stamp my students!

So my tip in a nutshell is...stock slowly and meaningfully...or else you'll end up with a bunch of worthless pompoms.

And speaking of deals and steals, I went to Michaels tonight on a failed mission for contact paper. Instead, I bought a couple more stamps (I couldn't resist) and these adorable photo boxes! Six boxes for 10 bucks, total! I plan to replace my shoe boxes, and use these boxes to store random supplies.
They had plain white, brown, and black boxes...but color always wins in my book.

Well, that's it for tonight! Good night, lovelies!


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